Mr. Wu 是一家台湾料理餐厅,提供各种台湾菜式,包括台式便当、面线系列、卤肉饭、盖饭系列、台湾小吃等等。每一口食物都让我想起在台北寻觅美食的旅途。尽管口味与台湾有所不同,但每道菜都经过了根据马来西亚人口味的改良,味道独特。这家餐厅位置并不难找,但停车位却是个问题。如果想品尝他们的美食,最好避开繁忙的时间前往。 Google -
提及重庆,必然令人联想到的是火辣的口味!没错,这里的美食为你的味蕾带来了一场挑战!"袁大碗" 这家面馆由一位年轻的重庆小伙经营,他以独特的川味手艺赢得了食客的喜爱。据老板透露,他原本是从事贸易与物流业的,为了确保食材的新鲜,鲜肉是在本地每日购入,而大部分干的食材和调味料都是从中国进口而来。 这家面馆的菜单虽然不算多,但其中的川菜面食却让人垂涎欲滴。例如:重庆豌豆杂面、泡椒鸡杂面、重庆小面、牛肉面、肥肠面、沙县拌面、土豆泥拌面等等。饮料也是别具一格,有乌梅子柠檬茶、桂花香拧茶、酸梅茶、暴打百香果、渣男绿等等。此外,还有其他美食如:沙县小馄饨、玉米排骨汤、虫草排骨汤、猪肚莲子汤、香菇鸡汤及萝卜排骨汤等等。
When it comes to Chongqing, it inevitably conjures up thoughts of spicy flavors! That's right, the cuisine here presents a challenge to your taste buds! "Yuan Da Wan" managed by a young man from Chongqing, he originally worked in trade and logistics industry, ensuring the freshness of ingredients by sourcing fresh meat locally every day, while most dry ingredients and seasonings are imported from China. Though the menu at this noodle shop isn't extensive, its Sichuan-style noodles are mouthwatering. Choices include Chongqing mixed bean noodles, pickled pepper chicken mixed noodles, Chongqing small noodles, beef noodles, intestine noodles, Shaxian-style mixed noodles, mashed potato mixed noodles, and more. The beverages are also unique, featuring options like plum lemon tea, osmanthus twist tea, sour plum tea, passion fruit smash, and green tea for heartbreakers. Additionally, there are other delicacies such as Shaxian-style small dumplings, corn rib soup, cordyceps rib soup, pork stomach lotus seed soup, mushroom chicken soup, and radish rib soup.
百味小碗菜是一家源自中国川粤潮汕风味的中式快餐连锁店。据了解,该连锁店已经在吉隆坡开设了 8 家分店,而 Setapak 分店则是第 9 家。这里供应了上百道美味菜品,让顾客有丰富的选择。据悉,每两个小时就会更新一次不同的菜品,确保顾客始终享受新鲜的口味。 百味小碗菜的招牌菜品,如无骨辣子鸡、手撕包菜、川香回锅肉、酸辣土豆丝、香辣水煮鱼等,都深受大众欢迎。除了传统的白饭与小碗菜搭配,这里还提供酸辣粉、拉面、中式拌面、潮汕卤味粥品、饺子等各种美食供顾客品尝。
Bai Wei Mini Bowl is a Chinese fast-food restaurant chain inspired by the rich flavors of Sichuan, Guangdong, and Chaoshan in China. With 8 branches already established in Kuala Lumpur, Setapak proudly stands as the 9th addition to this growing chain. The restaurant prides itself on offering customers a diverse selection of over a hundred delightful dishes. Notably, the menu undergoes changes every two hours, ensuring patrons can always savor a fresh and varied culinary experience. The signature dishes at Bai Wei Mini Bowl, such as boneless spicy chicken, hand-shredded cabbage, Sichuan-style double-cooked pork, hot and sour shredded potatoes, and spicy boiled fish, enjoy immense popularity among the public. In addition to the classic combination of white rice with small bowl dishes, the restaurant presents a wide array of other gastronomic delights, including hot and sour noodles, pulled noodles, Chinese mixed noodles, Chaoshan-style braised dishes, and dumplings.
最近造访了在 Setapak 的 Len Seng 旧巴士公司,尝试了 Casa Lynda 和 Ribatori 的美食。今天我们来到 Checkpoint 欧式咖啡馆,看看这里有什么独特之处。这个咖啡馆的装潢设计颇具复古韵味,色彩缤纷,充满艺术氛围,是文青们理想的打卡胜地。尽管环境让人回味旧时代,空调的温度不太冷,而开放式的门窗让氛围更为宜人。傍晚时分,这里变得格外浪漫,非常适合享受一顿精致的西式晚餐。
Recently, we had the pleasure of exploring the Len Seng Old Bus Company in Setapak and indulging in the culinary delights at Casa Lynda and Ribatori. Today's adventure takes us to Checkpoint, a European-style café, where we aim to uncover its unique charms. The café's interior design radiates a vintage allure accentuated by vibrant colors, creating an atmosphere steeped in artistry — a haven for those passionate about art and culture. Despite the nostalgic ambiance, the air conditioning maintains a pleasantly comfortable temperature, while open doors and windows contribute to the inviting atmosphere. As the evening sets in, Checkpoint transforms into a particularly romantic haven, making it an exquisite setting for an elegant Western-style dinner. The establishment boasts a diverse selection of European bread and croissants, complemented by a menu featuring breakfast items, burgers, steaks, pasta, cakes, desserts, Italian coffee, English tea, and local fusion delights such as Laksa and Nasi Lemak. Checkpoint proudly identifies as a Muslim-friendly café, ensuring that Muslim patrons can relish coffee and snacks with confidence. The ambiance is serene and well-organized, with patrons embodying a cultured and refined demeanor. Google - 提及 Ribatori 可能让很多人感到陌生,但一提到 Down To Bones,相信许多人都对这家在 OUG 地区红遍的平价烤猪肋骨店有所耳闻。Ribatori 实际上是 Down To Bones 在 Setapak 新设的分店,这里不仅提供美味的猪肋骨,还推出了独特的 Porky Spaghetti、Pork Ribs Nasi Lemak、Fried Pork Belly Donburi、Truffle Mushroom Soup,以及日式小吃、咖啡和美酒等等。此外,Ribatori 还供应来自 Owls Cafe 的美味华夫饼,以及即将推出的日式烧烤串等特色美食。 就食物口味而言,相对而言是中规中矩的水平,不过是否能迎合 Setapak 当地居民的口味还有待观察。与此同时,这里的价位也明显高出一些,较为适合偶尔来光顾一下。在这里,您可以小酌几杯,品尝一些日式烧烤串,欣赏现场的 LIVE 歌手驻唱,尽情的享受与放松自己。另外,每逢星期一至五的中午时段,这里有推出 RM12++ 的中午套餐哦,附近工作的朋友们多个地方可以吃午餐了。 点击这里观看视频 Google - While Ribatori may not ring a bell for many, the mention of Down To Bones likely strikes a chord, especially among those acquainted with this popular joint for affordable grilled pork ribs in the OUG area. Ribatori, a recent addition, is actually a new branch established by Down To Bones in Setapak. Here, patrons can relish not only the delectable pork ribs but also indulge in distinctive offerings like Porky Spaghetti, Pork Ribs Nasi Lemak, Fried Pork Belly Donburi, Truffle Mushroom Soup, alongside a variety of Japanese snacks, coffee, and wine. Moreover, Ribatori proudly serves delightful waffles from Owls Cafe and has exciting plans to introduce Japanese grilled skewers and other unique delicacies soon.
在 Setapak 地区的 Casa Lynda 餐厅已经开业,它是一家充满墨西哥室内设计风格的泰国 Fusion 餐厅,为这个地方增添了一个引人入胜的去处。一踏入餐厅,您将被眼前绚丽多彩的景象所折服,仿佛时光倒流,回到了 70 年代和 80 年代的建筑风格。这个餐厅巧妙地保留了古董家具的传统装饰,而墨西哥艺术元素则贯穿其中,为您带来了浓烈的异域情调。 Casa Lynda 餐厅的美食主打泰式料理,不难察觉到一些墨西哥元素的痕迹。比如他们家的黄梨炒饭,不同于一般的泰式黄梨炒饭,而更像是西班牙番茄烩饭的烹饪方式。整道菜肴的黄梨炒饭浓郁多汁,带着独特的口感,令人回味无穷。泰式南乳炸肉则重新定义了我对于炸肉的期待,猪肉入味鲜嫩,质地适中,尤其适合下饭。至于泰式腰果鸡肉和猪肉碎炸蛋,口味相对普通,没给我太多惊喜。
在 Setapak 居住了这么长时间,竟然不知道距离我家只有 5 分钟车程的地方藏着一家隐秘的咖啡馆。这里供应各式美味且价格亲民的榴莲,还提供出色的咖啡和无酒精鸡尾酒,同时还有美味的 Nasi Briyani 和 Nasi Lemak。环境非常宜人,宽敞明亮,室内设有空调,可以将室外的喧嚣隔绝在外。白天,室外座位也非常凉爽,而在雨天,仿佛置身于云顶高原一般清新宜人。 这里每周六和周日都有举办小型集市,汇聚了来自不同州属的美食、手工艺品等各种摊位。热情邀请大家前来品味咖啡、品尝甜点,享受特色的黄姜饭、椰浆饭、榴莲小吃等其他的美味佳肴。 点击这里观看视频 Google - Having lived in Setapak for such a long time, it's surprising that I didn't know there's a hidden café just a 5-minute drive from my home. They serve a variety of delicious and budget-friendly durian treats, offer excellent coffee and alcohol-free mocktails, and feature tasty Nasi Briyani and Nasi Lemak. The environment is very pleasant, with spacious and well-lit interiors equipped with air conditioning to shield you from the outside noise. During the day, the outdoor seating is cool and comfortable, and on rainy days, it feels as refreshing as being up in the cool highlands. It has come to our attention that a small market takes place here every Saturday and Sunday, showcasing diverse stalls that offer culinary delights and handicrafts from different states. We extend a warm invitation to everyone to join us, indulge in coffee, sample delectable desserts, and relish flavorful specialties, including Nasi Briyani and pastries featuring the unique essence of durian. Watch the video here Google - 初次光顾,我对他们的烧烤印象深刻,第二次尝试了他们家的麻辣烫,然而稍感失望,麻辣汤底有点过咸。第三次前去品尝烤鱼,果然不负所望,享受到了美味的香辣口感。我个人认为他们的烧烤串、酸辣粉、香脆土豆片、千张、皮蛋以及烤鱼都非常美味!强烈推荐!这里的环境宜人,室内不会被烧烤气味弥漫,仿佛是文艺青年们在室内露营,并享受美味烧烤的聚集地。 On my first visit, I was quite impressed with their barbecue, but my second visit, where I tried their spicy hot pot, left me slightly disappointed as the spicy broth was a bit too salty. However, on my third visit, when I opted for their grilled fish, it truly lived up to my expectations with its deliciously spicy flavor. Personally, I find their barbecue skewers, hot and sour noodles, crispy potato slices, thousand-layer tofu, century eggs, and grilled fish all exceptionally tasty! I highly recommend these options. The ambiance here is pleasant, and you won't be overwhelmed by the smell of barbecue indoors. It feels like a gathering place for artistic souls enjoying indoor camping and savoring delicious grilled food. Satuu Coffee & Pastries café blends a rich fusion of classical influence, serving exquisite coffee with a warm tropical ambiance and a nostalgic feel. I had the privilege of chatting with the café's barista, LD, who informed me that the cafe is owned by a mixedNanyang style with a touch of Japanese -race Chinese with Japanese heritage, overseeing every detail personally, right down to baking the cakes. To my taste, there is room for improvement in the cake's texture, as it tends to be slightly dry. |
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