新春的尾声仅剩一星期,许多人已经纷纷前往各个景点留下足迹。对于尚未出游的朋友们,是时候开始策划行程了!利用即将到来的周末,快速地打卡新春景点,即便节日即将结束,也能够留下难忘的记忆。将这些景点记录下来,未来 20 年的新春假期,便能提前计划前往哪里游玩!
As the Chinese New Year approaches its final week, numerous individuals have already journeyed to diverse attractions, leaving behind traces of their celebrations. For those friends who have yet to embark on their travels, now is the opportune moment to chart your course! Seize the upcoming weekend to swiftly explore the quintessential destinations of the Chinese New Year. Even as the festivities draw to a close, indelible memories can still be forged. Furthermore, by cataloging these attractions, you can proactively plan your future visits during the Chinese New Year holidays for the next two decades!
走过了 Berjaya Hills 的法国村及日本村,翻个跟头咱们就来到一个闻名全国的避暑山庄 — 云顶高原!一说来 Genting Highland,在他人的脑海里总是会浮现两个字,你去 “ 交租 ” 还是去 “ 收租 ”?意思是指上山赌博 “ 贴钱 ” 的意思,我是不好意思说 BOOK 的中文拼音啦!这一次除了离开喧哗的城市享受休闲的时光之外,最重要的还是吹冷风!我个人非常喜欢寒冷的气候,所以计划了三天两夜在云端上 “ 自拍 ”、“ 打卡 ”、“ 走猫步 ”!我没说错,就是走猫步!我带了一些好看的衣服,准备在这三天内多拍一些照片,往后才在面子书上慢慢地 Upload。既然都已经抹粉施脂,当然要使出浑身解数,在云端上做一个风情万种的 ...... 美男子!哈哈哈哈 ...... (≧▽≦)