拥有 53 年历史的碧华楼不断承载着传承古早味中式粤菜的使命。在 2021 年,碧华楼开辟了新的餐饮领域,从传统酒楼扩展到现代咖啡小馆,并以“瓦煲咖啡”赢得了新的美誉。瓦煲咖啡源自 200 多年前的历史,于 1950 年代的澳门真正兴起。随着时间的推移和粤式饮食文化的传承,近年来瓦煲咖啡再次在马来西亚崛起,成为年轻人对传统味道的新追求。
Pik Wah Restaurant, with over 53 years of legacy, remains steadfast in its commitment to preserving the authentic flavors of Cantonese cuisine. In 2021, Pik Wah ventured beyond its traditional Chinese restaurant roots and expanded into the realm of contemporary coffee culture, introducing its acclaimed "Claypot Coffee" to the scene. Dating back over 200 years, Claypot Coffee gained popularity in the 1950s in Macau. As time passed and the rich tapestry of Cantonese culinary heritage continued to flourish, Claypot Coffee experienced a revival in Malaysia, captivating a new generation in search of time-honored tastes.
新春的尾声仅剩一星期,许多人已经纷纷前往各个景点留下足迹。对于尚未出游的朋友们,是时候开始策划行程了!利用即将到来的周末,快速地打卡新春景点,即便节日即将结束,也能够留下难忘的记忆。将这些景点记录下来,未来 20 年的新春假期,便能提前计划前往哪里游玩!
As the Chinese New Year approaches its final week, numerous individuals have already journeyed to diverse attractions, leaving behind traces of their celebrations. For those friends who have yet to embark on their travels, now is the opportune moment to chart your course! Seize the upcoming weekend to swiftly explore the quintessential destinations of the Chinese New Year. Even as the festivities draw to a close, indelible memories can still be forged. Furthermore, by cataloging these attractions, you can proactively plan your future visits during the Chinese New Year holidays for the next two decades!
The Tokyo Auto Salon KL 2023, which lasted for 3 consecutive days, came to a close tonight. It is believed that this aftermarket car exhibition has attracted many car enthusiasts from both domestic and Southeast Asian regions to come and visit. 为期连续三天的东京汽车沙龙吉隆坡站 2023 已落下帷幕。相信这场汽车售后市场展览会吸引了许多来自国内和东南亚地区的汽车爱好者前来参观。 In addition to the 14 specially-tuned and award-winning cars that were directly from Japan, there were also 37 cars from the Initial D series, which were gathered together for the first time in Malaysia. Furthermore, there were many locally modified and stylized cars that successfully won everyone's favor there! 东京汽车沙龙 2023 吉隆坡站展出了 14 辆由日本运输过来的改装车,其中包括尼桑 NISSAN、本田 HONDA、丰田 TOYOTA、斯巴鲁 SUBARU、雷诺 RENAULT、吉普 JEEP、福特 FORD、雪佛兰 CHEVROLET 等品牌的改装车辆。
If you're in search of golf driving ranges in the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor regions, we've got 10 great locations to recommend. These driving ranges are open to the public (non-members) and offer affordable pricing. After personally experiencing these practice ranges, we have put together a list of 10 recommended locations. The prices listed below are for non-members. 如果您在吉隆坡和雪兰莪地区寻找高尔夫球 Driving Range,我们向您推荐 10 个不错的场所。这些练习场对公众开放(非会员),收费相对较为实惠。我们前往这些练习场进行体验之后,整理出了以下值得推荐的 10 个场所。以下收费均为非会员价。 新故乡酒楼坐落在吉隆坡 Concorde Hotel,是少有的传统手推车点心楼之一。这里除了历史悠久,古色香俱全的点心和菜肴外,更让我怀念童年时的味道和回忆。走进餐厅,你会看到传统手推车上摆满了各式各样的点心,包括热腾腾的猪肠粉、蒸饺、糯米鸡、萝卜糕等等,每一道点心都让人垂涎欲滴。 在这里,你不仅可以品尝到美味的点心,还能感受到浓浓的怀旧氛围和传统文化的魅力。新故乡酒楼的服务也非常周到,服务员们热情友好,让人感到宾至如归。如果你想要寻找一处体验传统点心文化的地方,新故乡酒楼绝对是不错的选择。
Looking to savor authentic dim sum while being transported back in time? Look no further than Xin Cuisine Chinese Restaurant, nestled within the Concorde Hotel KL. This hidden gem is one of the few remaining traditional dim sum restaurants that still utilize push carts, adding an extra element of nostalgia and charm to your dining experience.
星期一你有空吗?我想约你一起去 MST Golf Arena 打高尔夫球。你知道吗,每逢周一不管是什么时候,都可以享受半价优惠哦!平日里周一到周五的最低消费从 RM60 开始,最高消费则可达到 RM220(按小时计费)。既然现在有特别优惠,我们至少可以打两场过过瘾! 这里的高尔夫球馆有提供一整套的高尔夫球杆,你只需带上手套,空手而来即可。在这里不仅可以打高尔夫球,还可以用餐、喝饮料,甚至在 Red Tee 香槟酒吧小酌两杯(费用另计)。
Are you free on Monday? I would like to invite you to play golf at the MST Golf Arena. Did you know that every Monday, regardless of the time, you can enjoy a 50% discount? On weekdays, the minimum spending from Monday to Friday starts at RM60, while the maximum spending can reach up to RM220 per hour. Since there's currently a special offer, we can play at least two rounds of golf and have a good time! They provide a full set of golf clubs, so all you need to bring is your gloves. Here, you can not only play golf, but also dine, drink, and even enjoy cocktails or wine at the Red Tee Champagne Bar (additional charges apply). If you want to learn golf, PGM coaches are available to provide lessons for RM150 per person.
JIN Gastrobar 是一个隐藏在 The Gardens Mall 的高级餐厅,与 Aurum Theatre 同一区域。这里高雅、轻奢华,低调又浪漫,是一个与爱人约会的好去处。起初,小编以为这只是一家酒吧,万万没想到这是一家藏得很深的高级餐厅。除了为 Aurum Theatre 的电影观众提供服务,也向大众开放,提供正宗的欧式美食。从头盘到正餐再到甜点,这里的每道菜都是采用优质食材新鲜烹制。当天,小编和朋友们在这里庆祝生日,品尝了五道不同的美食:
JIN Gastrobar is an upscale eatery tucked away in The Gardens Mall, adjacent to Aurum Theatre. With an air of sophistication and luxury, the restaurant is understated and romantic, making it an ideal spot for a date with your significant other. At first glance, one might mistake it for just another bar, but to my surprise, it turned out to be a hidden gem of a fine dining establishment. Apart from catering to Aurum Theatre-goers, it is also open to the public and serves up authentic European cuisine using fresh, high-quality ingredients in every dish.
During my visit, my friends and I celebrated a birthday here and indulged in five delectable dishes, including: Pan-Fried Seabass (RM45) which was cooked to perfection and accompanied by a delightful serving of mashed potatoes. The Pan-Seared Herb Crusted Salmon (RM48) was also noteworthy, with its impeccable taste and texture. However, the Chicken Satay Pizza (RM38) was average, while the Truffle Carbonara Pasta (RM38) was a tad too rich with cream and black truffle. The Chargrilled Chicken (RM28) was a standout dish with its mouthwatering aroma and savory flavor, complemented by the sautéed mushrooms. 走过了 Berjaya Hills 的法国村及日本村,翻个跟头咱们就来到一个闻名全国的避暑山庄 — 云顶高原!一说来 Genting Highland,在他人的脑海里总是会浮现两个字,你去 “ 交租 ” 还是去 “ 收租 ”?意思是指上山赌博 “ 贴钱 ” 的意思,我是不好意思说 BOOK 的中文拼音啦!这一次除了离开喧哗的城市享受休闲的时光之外,最重要的还是吹冷风!我个人非常喜欢寒冷的气候,所以计划了三天两夜在云端上 “ 自拍 ”、“ 打卡 ”、“ 走猫步 ”!我没说错,就是走猫步!我带了一些好看的衣服,准备在这三天内多拍一些照片,往后才在面子书上慢慢地 Upload。既然都已经抹粉施脂,当然要使出浑身解数,在云端上做一个风情万种的 ...... 美男子!哈哈哈哈 ...... (≧▽≦)
不知从何时开始,雪隆区 Brunch 的饮食文化开始崛起,几乎在吉隆坡 、Petaling Jaya 、Subang、Puchong、Sri Petaling、Kuchai Lama 一带,都能找到类似的咖啡馆。今早我在 Sg. Besi 修车厂取车后,一时不晓得该到哪里享用 “ 早午餐 ”。在 Google Map 的搜索之下,发现 APW Bangsar 的距离较为靠近,二话不说就直接开车前往那个地方。记忆中我曾在 APW Bangsar 品尝过 Makirito 的 Sushi Burrito,PULP 咖啡馆的 Carbonara Spaghetti 及 Hand Brew Coffee,这两家都给我留下深刻的印象。而这次,我就到了另外一家名为 Breakfast Thieves 的咖啡馆。
随着工业的没落,很多中小型工业的遗址,逐渐出现改头换面的状况,摇身变成具有特色的餐饮行业。我印象中记得怡保的 Plan B、甲洞的 The Jungle City 及 APW Bangsar 这里,成功转型变成极具工业化风格的咖啡馆及餐厅。上一回我介绍过 Makirito 的 Sushi Burrito,这一回带大家来尝尝这里的咖啡香。听闻 APW Bangsar( 美术印刷厂的遗址 )这里有不错的手冲咖啡,我怎能那么轻易错过呢?
想到 Taman Melati 的 JPN 领取新的身份证,顺便在这个地方找一些吃的。但找遍了两条街,除了有一排的马来档口因斋戒月没营业之外,就只剩一家华人的美食馆了。今天的重点不是找吃的,而是我的脑根不知断了哪根,决定 “ 说走就走 ” 到处逛逛及游一游这区域。因为曾经的过失,而决定探索这里的景观。
只要搭乘 Rapid KL Putra LRT 至 Masjid Jamek 站,走一段约 5 分钟的路程,经过国家最高法院旧址(High Court)及吉隆坡市政局剧场( Panggung Bandaraya ),就会看见不远处高高耸立的马来西亚大国旗、旗杆(世界最高的旗杆)、独立广场( Merdeka Square )及苏丹阿都沙末大钟楼( Sultan Abdul Samad Building )。这些马来西亚标志性及历史性的事迹由来我就不多说,大家可以网上 GOOGLE 一下便知。 2017 台湾形象展于 11 月 9 日至 11 日连续三天,在吉隆坡国际会展中心 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre 正式揭开序幕!透过这一次的博览会( Expo ),将撮合大马与台商之间的营销关系,从而创造东南亚一带新的合作商机。共计 180 家参展商、240 个摊位展出、多达 5000 项的台湾商品,在马来西亚的舞台上大放异彩。“ 台湾 ” 是马来西亚排名第 8 大的贸易伙伴,同时也是排名第 9 的最大出口国。本届的 “ 形象展 ” 于首日就经吸引了,许多来自国内外不同的商家们前来探个究竟。现场可说是人潮汹涌,吉隆坡市中心顿时掀起了一股台湾风,到访的买家们都想一睹台湾商品的最新趋势。
在吉隆坡的 APW Bangsar,有一家名为 Makirito 的小吃馆。若不是与朋友相约在此,还真不知道这里藏有 “鲜肉” 呢!这家小吃馆主打的是寿司卷饼 Sushi Burrito,表面看似一般的寿司饭团,但尝过之后才知道,人间美味,非一般的寿司卷饼啊!Makirito 的出现带给我不少的惊喜。首先,这里是一个人人必拍的热门景点,再来就是隐藏在阁楼中的神秘小店,走进店内发现有位特别帅气十足的 “小鲜肉” ,还有成功俘虏我味蕾的寿司卷饼,感觉都快升天了( 飘飘然 )。