The Tokyo Auto Salon KL 2023, which lasted for 3 consecutive days, came to a close tonight. It is believed that this aftermarket car exhibition has attracted many car enthusiasts from both domestic and Southeast Asian regions to come and visit. 为期连续三天的东京汽车沙龙吉隆坡站 2023 已落下帷幕。相信这场汽车售后市场展览会吸引了许多来自国内和东南亚地区的汽车爱好者前来参观。 In addition to the 14 specially-tuned and award-winning cars that were directly from Japan, there were also 37 cars from the Initial D series, which were gathered together for the first time in Malaysia. Furthermore, there were many locally modified and stylized cars that successfully won everyone's favor there! 东京汽车沙龙 2023 吉隆坡站展出了 14 辆由日本运输过来的改装车,其中包括尼桑 NISSAN、本田 HONDA、丰田 TOYOTA、斯巴鲁 SUBARU、雷诺 RENAULT、吉普 JEEP、福特 FORD、雪佛兰 CHEVROLET 等品牌的改装车辆。 The Tokyo Auto Salon KL 2023 featured exhibitors from both domestic and overseas, and besides some high-performance car models, there were also on-site sales of high-performance car parts and accessories. 东京汽车沙龙 Tokyo Auto Salon 是亚洲最大的改装车展之一,也是全球最具影响力的汽车活动之一。该展览每年一次,在日本东京举行。它为汽车制造商、改装车厂商、配件供应商以及汽车爱好者提供了展示最新改装车辆、配件和技术的平台。吉隆坡于 2023 年 6 月 9 日至 11 日举办了全马来西亚首个日本改装车展,已成功吸引九万名参观者涌入会场! 会场展示了超过 200 多辆其他的参展车,如 GT-R、SUPRA、NSX、INITIAL D 等豪华及特别定制的车辆。现场除了展示了各种改装配件、车身套件、改装引擎和底盘部件之外,活动当天还会有来自日本的文艺演出、日本模特的汽车表演、一些汽车俱乐部的私人聚会和改装车竞赛等活动等等。这个东京改装车展为观众们提供一个了解最新的改装趋势、技术和创新的机会,并与行业专家进行交流和分享。参观者们能够欣赏到各种令人惊叹的改装车辆和配件,并体验到独特的汽车文化和激动人心的活动。 Video Link - Click Here |