每次前往新的餐馆探店,都是我们的第一次品尝,没有任何事先的了解,只是将真金白银换来美食和独特的体验。传闻中,Shin Zushi 是一家名副其实的日本料理经典,不管是哪一家分店,都要经历漫长的等待才能品尝到他们家的美食。人们为何甘愿排队等待?答案显而易见,因为他们的日本料理实在是 “Oishii”! 这次的探店,我很难找到合适的词句来描述,因为每一道料理都让人难以割舍。无论选择哪一道,都是美味的!这次探店的主要焦点是寿司。看着桌上一盘又一盘的寿司拼盘,简直是寿司控们的天堂。邀请上三五好友一起来,点上各式各样的美食,这种兴奋感无法用语言来表达,只能用清空盘子来回报对店家和寿司师傅们的诚意。
Venturing into a new restaurant is always an exciting culinary journey for us, a chance to indulge in unfamiliar flavors and experiences without any prior knowledge. The renowned Shin Zushi, hailed as a true Japanese culinary gem, demands patience as queues stretch out in anticipation of their renowned delicacies. Why endure the wait? Simply put, because their Japanese cuisine is undeniably "Oishii"! Describing this experience proves challenging as every dish is simply irresistible. Regardless of your selection, each bite is a burst of flavor! Our focus today lies primarily on their sushi offerings. The sight of assorted sushi platters adorning the table is a sight to behold, a true haven for sushi enthusiasts. Sharing this experience with friends, sampling an array of dishes, the excitement is beyond words, and only empty plates can truly express our gratitude to the chefs and the establishment.
在吉隆坡的 APW Bangsar,有一家名为 Makirito 的小吃馆。若不是与朋友相约在此,还真不知道这里藏有 “鲜肉” 呢!这家小吃馆主打的是寿司卷饼 Sushi Burrito,表面看似一般的寿司饭团,但尝过之后才知道,人间美味,非一般的寿司卷饼啊!Makirito 的出现带给我不少的惊喜。首先,这里是一个人人必拍的热门景点,再来就是隐藏在阁楼中的神秘小店,走进店内发现有位特别帅气十足的 “小鲜肉” ,还有成功俘虏我味蕾的寿司卷饼,感觉都快升天了( 飘飘然 )。