我的闺蜜在釜山看着樱花,而我在釜山吃着辣炒章鱼。她人在韩国,而我人在吉隆坡。需到釜山才能吃到韩式辣炒章鱼?不需要,只要来到 Hartamas 即可! BUSANZIP 这家韩式料理餐馆,要来之前可要三思。 第一,你需要排队至少半个小时至一个小时。第二,用餐时间限定 90 分钟,要是你喜欢慢享受美食,这里还真的有点不太适合。第三,好吃的韩式料理太多,千万别一个人来。至少叫上三五成群的朋友一起共享不同的美食。千万别邀 6 人以上,这个小馆子还真没那么大的座位能容纳那么多人。
While my best friend is enjoying the cherry blossoms in Busan, I'm savoring stir-fried spicy webfoot octopus in the same city. She's in Korea, and I'm here in Kuala Lumpur. Do you have to go all the way to Busan for Korean stir-fried spicy octopus? Not necessarily, just head over to Hartamas! But before you rush to BUSANZIP, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, be prepared to wait in line for at least half an hour to an hour. Secondly, dining time is limited to 90 minutes, so if you prefer to leisurely enjoy your meal, this place might not be ideal. Thirdly, with so many delicious Korean dishes to try, it's best not to dine alone. Gather a group of friends to share a variety of dishes. However, don't bring more than 6 people, as this cozy restaurant doesn't have enough seating for larger groups.
吃过下午茶点,还有火锅料理,最后总得来点甜品满足自己的味蕾吧?走在 Sunway Nexis 这里,发现这商场还挺冷清的。虽说一楼与新的 MRT 相接,但周末的时间还不见有人潮,况且这里的商铺也没完全被出租。所以,该商场的管理层得好好地去思考,如何注入一些大众化且家喻户晓的品牌,以引入更多的商机与客流。在今天的零售新常态环境下,客流才是王道。最重要还是先给这商场定位,有策略性的去规划,才能成功招募一些好的公司入驻。有时商场不喧哗,也不见是一件坏事,这可是造就了这里成为一个非常宁静及休闲的地方。若不是我走在商场内仔细地去考察,还真的不知道这里有很多有品位、有格调、有文艺气息的餐厅及咖啡馆。