新春的尾声仅剩一星期,许多人已经纷纷前往各个景点留下足迹。对于尚未出游的朋友们,是时候开始策划行程了!利用即将到来的周末,快速地打卡新春景点,即便节日即将结束,也能够留下难忘的记忆。将这些景点记录下来,未来 20 年的新春假期,便能提前计划前往哪里游玩!
As the Chinese New Year approaches its final week, numerous individuals have already journeyed to diverse attractions, leaving behind traces of their celebrations. For those friends who have yet to embark on their travels, now is the opportune moment to chart your course! Seize the upcoming weekend to swiftly explore the quintessential destinations of the Chinese New Year. Even as the festivities draw to a close, indelible memories can still be forged. Furthermore, by cataloging these attractions, you can proactively plan your future visits during the Chinese New Year holidays for the next two decades!
(此茶屋于 2024 年 5 月关闭)上个月,小编一行人游览了森美兰州的十大推荐景点,而在返回吉隆坡的途中,偶然间发现了一个隐秘的欧洲风格打卡胜地 — LOOKA Tearoom & Kissaten 麓家英式茶屋。这家小巧、独特、宁静的英式茶屋为顾客提供了一场私密而愉悦的下午茶体验。 茶屋的环境别具一格,温馨的复古氛围中充溢着浓烈的圣诞气息,给每一位访客带来了意外的惊喜。在这宁静的空间里,品尝美味的英式红茶与精致的英式甜点,让人仿佛置身于悠闲的时光之中。
(Looka Tearoom Permanent Closed on May 2024) Last month, our team had the opportunity to explore the top ten recommended attractions in Negeri Sembilan. During our journey back to Kuala Lumpur, we chanced upon a hidden European-style gem — LOOKA Tearoom & Kissaten, an English tearoom nestled in a tranquil setting. This charming, distinctive, and peaceful tearoom provides patrons with an intimate and delightful afternoon tea experience. The tearoom's ambiance is truly unique, featuring a warm retro atmosphere heightened by a festive Christmas spirit, delighting every visitor with unexpected pleasures.
距离吉隆坡仅一个小时车程,欢迎来森美兰州,这个令人心驰神往的旅游胜地。提及芙蓉,很多人脑海中浮现的是当地著名的炒螃蟹和烧包。然而,在我们为大家精心挑选的十大推荐中,我们将带领您穿越森美兰市区,一路探索至该州的边界,最终整理出排名不分先后但却值得一游、一品、一逛的十大胜地。 01. 芙蓉皇家朱兰酒店 Royale Chulan Seremban 这座历史悠久的四星豪华酒店坐落于森美兰湖滨公园及旅游景点区域,仅需 30 分钟车程即可抵达波德申海岸和吉隆坡国际机场。拥有 345 间客房,每间均配备浴缸和淋浴间,90 年代的豪华风格为您带来独特的穿越感。酒店设施齐全,包括小型健身房、户外泳池、网球场、免费网络和班车服务等。(更多) 02. 酒店自助餐 Asiatique Buffet
在 Royale Chulan Seremban 的 Asiatique 自助餐厅,您能够品尝到集合亚洲和西方美食的精品自助餐。每逢星期五至星期日,本地人纷纷前来用餐,这里的美食绝对是吸引他们的主要原因。要了解更多有哪些令人垂涎的美食,可以回顾我们之前的笔记和视频。(更多) Just an hour's drive from Kuala Lumpur lies the enchanting tourist haven of Negeri Sembilan. While Seremban is often associated with its renowned local delicacies like stir-fried crab and siew pau (baked buns), our meticulously curated list of top 10 recommendations invites you on a journey through the heart of Seremban, extending all the way to the edges of the state. Here, we present a compilation of 10 must-visit, must-try, and must-explore destinations (listed in no particular order). 01. Royale Chulan Seremban Nestled near the Negeri Sembilan Lake Gardens, this historically rich four-star luxury hotel is just a 30-minute drive from Port Dickson and Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Offering 345 rooms, each equipped with a bathtub and shower, the hotel exudes a unique 90s luxury style, complemented by comprehensive facilities such as a small gym, outdoor pool, tennis court, free Wi-Fi, and shuttle services. (Read More) 02. Asiatique Buffet
Indulge in a buffet that seamlessly combines Asian and Western cuisines at Royale Chulan Seremban's Asiatique Buffet. Frequented by locals, especially on weekends, the restaurant boasts an exquisite array of dishes. For a closer look at the delectable offerings, refer to our previous notes and videos. (Read More) 前天发布了石拿督庙的视频,立即引起了网友的广泛关注。大家可以考虑在周末或学校假期计划一次逃离城市的亲子之旅。今天要向大家介绍的是,一个被山林包围的隐秘咖啡馆 — Orchard Hill Cafe。这个地方位于石拿督庙的正对面!如果你感到疲倦,可以来 Orchard Hill 休息一下,品尝美味的咖啡和美食。 实际上,Orchard Hill 是一个农场,四周是果园,种植着榴莲、红毛丹、山竹等热带水果。农场下方有一个相当大的养殖湖,里面可能有很多种类的鱼。农场的上方有一个露营区,那里有几辆露营车和帐篷,据说一辆车可以容纳 4-6 人左右,整个露营区可容纳 14 人左右,非常适合组织公司团建活动或亲子户外活动。
The video featuring Sak Dato Temple, released two days ago, has garnered immediate attention from netizens. Consider planning a family getaway for weekends or during school holidays. Today, we'd like to introduce you to a hidden gem nestled among mountains and forests — Orchard Hill Cafe. Conveniently situated right across from Sak Dato Temple, Orchard Hill offers a perfect retreat if you're feeling weary, providing a space to relax and indulge in delicious coffee and food. Orchard Hill is, in fact, a farm surrounded by orchards cultivating tropical fruits like durian, rambutan, and mangosteen. Beneath the farm lies a sizable fish pond likely home to various fish species. Above the farm is a glamping area featuring several glamping vans and tents. Each van can comfortably accommodate around 4 - 6 people, and the entire glamping area can host approximately 14 people, making it an ideal venue for corporate team-building activities or family outdoor events.
森美兰传说中的百年古庙之一,坐落在 Broga 武来岸,位于雪兰莪州和森美兰州的交界处。准确来说,就在森美兰州的边界。这庙宇香火鼎盛,已有百多年历史,四周被群山环绕,风景宜人。除了雕塑了许多神话故事中的人物,这里还有一座引人注目的高空吊桥,透过这座吊桥,游客可以到达对岸的山丘。 而山丘之巅耸立着一尊非常巨大的齐天大圣孙悟空,荣获马来西亚纪录大全中最高孙悟空塑像的称号。如果想要感受站在巨人脚下的震撼,就需要绕过陡峭的山坡直攀山巅。建议游客穿上防滑登山鞋前往,并在攀登时远离山崖边,确保自身的安全。 视频链接: 点击这里观看 Google - https://g.co/kgs/cMhEvq Nestled in Broga, right on the border between Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, is one of the legendary century-old temples of Negeri Sembilan. More precisely, it rests on the edge of Negeri Sembilan. This temple boasts a rich history spanning over a century, surrounded by picturesque mountains that enhance the delightful scenery.
坐落于芙蓉沉香山巅的蜈蚣山,是天师爷庙的所在地,俯瞰整个芙蓉美景。庙宇创建于1846年,至今已有百余年的悠久历史,为当地居民祈福祭祀之地,香火不绝于耳且代代相传。当地传说讲述,蜈蚣山上时常出现蜈蚣,相传若干遇到这一景象,意味着吉祥即将到来。特别是白蜈蚣更为罕见,据信,遇见白蜈蚣的人将迎来幸福美好的日子!在芙蓉的行程中,不妨前往蜈蚣山一探究竟! Perched on a hill, Centipede Temple offers a breathtaking view of the scenic landscapes of Seremban. With its establishment dating back to 1846, this temple holds a storied history of more than a century, standing as a revered site where local residents gather to offer prayers and perform rituals, preserving a tradition passed down through generations. According to local folklore, centipedes are frequently seen on Centipede Hill, and encountering one is believed to signal forthcoming good fortune. The rare sighting of a white centipede is particularly considered an auspicious omen, promising happiness and prosperity to those fortunate enough to witness it! If you happen to be in Seremban, a visit to Centipede Temple is highly recommended to unravel its intriguing mysteries. Video Link - Click Here Google - https://g.co/kgs/WNkcV7 Rumah Gadang Budi, located in the village of Kampung Gagu, stands as a traditional wooden house belonging to the Minangkabau royal dynasty. It beautifully showcases the original architectural artistry of Minangkabau and is a must-visit landmark when exploring Kuala Klawang.
The Royal Gallery Tuanku Ja'afar 端姑嘉化皇家博物馆,为您提供了一场引人入胜的皇家历史之旅,带领您穿越森美兰州的过去。重点关注森美兰州的君主制度,特别是马来西亚第十任国家元首端姑嘉化亲王陛下 (Al-Marhum Tuanku Ja'afar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman) 的一生。博物馆通过互动的方式,使探索历史之旅更加有趣。 展馆内不仅展示了森美兰州丰富的历史,还呈现了端姑嘉化亲王陛下的私人与公开生活。游客们不仅能够获取知识,还能深度融入皇家历史的叙事之中,使整个探索成为一次既富有教育性又愉悦的体验。 视频链接: 点击这里观看 Google - https://g.co/kgs/jz6WCz The Royal Gallery Tuanku Ja'afar provides a captivating journey through the history of Negeri Sembilan, with a particular focus on the Negeri Sembilan monarchy, specifically the life of His Royal Highness Al-Marhum Tuanku Ja'afar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman, the 10th Yang di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan. At the gallery, we transform learning into an engaging experience, employing an interactive approach to showcase the rich history of Negeri Sembilan and the life story of Al-Marhum Tuanku Ja'afar. Visitors not only acquire knowledge but also immerse themselves in the historical narrative, making the exploration both educational and enjoyable.
从 Royale Chulan Seremban 出发前往 Muzium Negeri Sembilan,您将进入一个时光隧道,深入了解葡萄牙、日本和英国殖民时期的历史。这座博物馆将为您展示米南佳保人悠久的生活文化。在户外,您还可以探访一座拥有百年历史的 Rumah Warisan Negeri Sembilan。这个古老的建筑物是该州的文化遗产,展示了独特而珍贵的传统。这趟旅程将让您深刻体验,森美兰州的丰富历史和文化遗产。 视频链接: 点击这里观看 Google - g.co/kgs/hQq3Si Setting out from Royale Chulan Seremban to Muzium Negeri Sembilan, you embark on a captivating journey through time, immersing yourself in the narratives of the Portuguese, Japanese, and British colonial periods. The museum unravels the historical and cultural tapestry of the Minangkabau people. Venture outdoors to explore Rumah Warisan Negeri Sembilan, a century-old cultural heritage site that preserves the distinctive and invaluable traditions of the state. This expedition guarantees a deep and insightful exploration of Negeri Sembilan's abundant history and cultural legacy. Video Link: Click Here Google - g.co/kgs/hQq3Si [10 Best Things To Do In Seremban] Selecting Royale Chulan Seremban for wedding banquets has become the preferred choice among many Negeri Sembilan families, capturing countless beautiful moments from Malay and Indian weddings. Specifically tailored for Chinese couples, the grand banquet at Han Pi Yuen Chinese Restaurant stands out as an essential option. With a strong commitment to being Muslim-friendly, this Chinese restaurant creates an inclusive environment where friends of diverse ethnic backgrounds often come together to relish Cantonese dim sum and an array of delectable dishes.
[森美兰芙蓉十大最佳推荐] 寻找不踩雷且价格适中的酒店自助餐可谓是一件不易得的事情。那么,在森美兰州有什么不可错过的美食体验呢?今天,我们将带您前往 Royale Chulan Seremban 品尝自助餐。Asiatique,这是一家集合亚洲和西方美食的自助餐厅,每逢星期五至星期日,座无虚席,这明显显示出住店的客流量相当可观,而前来用餐的本地人也不在少数,主要原因是这里的美食相当出色! Asiatique 自助餐厅分为上午、中午 / 下午茶和晚餐时段。在自助餐中,您通常会看到西式面包、糕点、马来椰浆饭、煎蛋、汤面、粥、水果、沙拉、海鲜、起司、烤肉、炒饭、炒面、咖喱鸡、意大利面以及地道传统菜肴。令我印象深刻的是早餐时段的马来椰浆饭和美味的仁当鸡肉!至于中午 / 下午茶时段,似乎没有什么特别让我铭记的食物。而晚餐则是自助烧烤,这里的烤鸡、烤鱼、烤肉串等都香气四溢,看着就让人感到充满蛋白质的诱惑。个人觉得烤羊肩肉有点嚼劲,一直难以咀嚼断开。不过,烤小羊排却给我带来了惊喜,烤鸡和烤鱼都非常美味多汁。
[森美兰芙蓉十大最佳推荐] 如果你是 Seremban 的本地人,对于 Royale Bintang Hotel 应该并不陌生。这家酒店于 2017 年成功重塑品牌与企业形象,更名为 Royale Chulan Seremban,是当地历史悠久的四星豪华酒店。酒店坐落于森美兰湖滨公园及旅游景点区域,距离波德申海岸及吉隆坡国际机场仅 30 分钟车程。这个理想的地理位置使它成为一家值得推荐的酒店。 酒店共有 345 间客房,每间客房均配备浴缸和淋浴间。90 年代的豪华风格为人带来一种独特的穿越感。酒店设施齐全,包括小型健身房、户外泳池、网球场、免费网络和班车服务等。酒店内有四家不同风格的餐厅,分别是涵碧苑中餐厅、Sweet Seremban 烘培甜点、Anjung Lounge 酒吧和 Asiatique 自助餐厅。
[10 Best Things To Do In Seremban] If you are a local in Seremban, you are likely familiar with the Royale Bintang Hotel. Successfully rebranded in 2017 as Royale Chulan Seremban, this hotel is a well-established four-star luxury establishment in the local history. Situated in the vicinity of the Seremban Lake Gardens and tourist attractions, it is only a 30-minute drive from the Port Dickson coastline and Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Its prime location makes it a highly recommended hotel. The hotel boasts a total of 345 rooms, each equipped with a bathtub and shower. The luxurious 90s style adds a unique nostalgic touch. The facilities are comprehensive, including a small gym, outdoor swimming pool, tennis court, free Wi-Fi, and shuttle services. The hotel features four distinctive restaurants: Han Pi Yuen Chinese Restaurant, Sweet Seremban bakery & dessert, Anjung Lounge, and Asiatique Buffet.
The Tokyo Auto Salon KL 2023, which lasted for 3 consecutive days, came to a close tonight. It is believed that this aftermarket car exhibition has attracted many car enthusiasts from both domestic and Southeast Asian regions to come and visit. 为期连续三天的东京汽车沙龙吉隆坡站 2023 已落下帷幕。相信这场汽车售后市场展览会吸引了许多来自国内和东南亚地区的汽车爱好者前来参观。 In addition to the 14 specially-tuned and award-winning cars that were directly from Japan, there were also 37 cars from the Initial D series, which were gathered together for the first time in Malaysia. Furthermore, there were many locally modified and stylized cars that successfully won everyone's favor there! 东京汽车沙龙 2023 吉隆坡站展出了 14 辆由日本运输过来的改装车,其中包括尼桑 NISSAN、本田 HONDA、丰田 TOYOTA、斯巴鲁 SUBARU、雷诺 RENAULT、吉普 JEEP、福特 FORD、雪佛兰 CHEVROLET 等品牌的改装车辆。
走过了 Berjaya Hills 的法国村及日本村,翻个跟头咱们就来到一个闻名全国的避暑山庄 — 云顶高原!一说来 Genting Highland,在他人的脑海里总是会浮现两个字,你去 “ 交租 ” 还是去 “ 收租 ”?意思是指上山赌博 “ 贴钱 ” 的意思,我是不好意思说 BOOK 的中文拼音啦!这一次除了离开喧哗的城市享受休闲的时光之外,最重要的还是吹冷风!我个人非常喜欢寒冷的气候,所以计划了三天两夜在云端上 “ 自拍 ”、“ 打卡 ”、“ 走猫步 ”!我没说错,就是走猫步!我带了一些好看的衣服,准备在这三天内多拍一些照片,往后才在面子书上慢慢地 Upload。既然都已经抹粉施脂,当然要使出浑身解数,在云端上做一个风情万种的 ...... 美男子!哈哈哈哈 ...... (≧▽≦)
第一眼看到 Coconut House( 椰子屋 )这招牌,还以为来吃泰式料理,没想到竟然是一间意大利风味的餐馆。走进餐馆的那一刻,一股文艺复古的气息围绕着我。就在那一刻起,我对这地方开始有好感。在朋友 Olivia 的游说之下,才跟着她到这里来用餐。况且她说这家餐馆的料理都相当好吃,听到 “ 好吃 ” 这两个字,我这个 “ 平民 ” 美食家可要好好尝一尝鲜了。城中到处都有美式、意式、澳式、甚至是打着 Fusion Western Cuisine 字号的餐厅,我几乎都尝遍了,能让我铭记于心且对其味道念念不忘的,还真的没有几家。尝过了这一家的意大利料理,我像是中了毒着迷了一样!咱们坐下来看了餐单之后,我的朋友 Olivia 就点了一些她个人推荐的美食。而当下的我就四处张望,用肉眼仔细在观察餐馆的每一个角落。
刚从金马仑高原下来,隔天又要往马来半岛的北部去。这一次为了和朋友庆生,又不晓得要去哪里玩,一个脑筋急转弯就决定来个沿海公路之旅!先是去到十八丁,再过去太平;接着来到实兆远,最后就在邦咯岛落脚。虽说不巧遇到雨神来袭,但也不失体验自驾游的乐趣。又一次的芬多精之旅开启了!一大清早浩浩荡荡从吉隆坡往十八丁的方向出发,大概花了 3 个小时多的车程才抵达太平( Taiping )。从太平往十八丁( Kuala Sepetang )的方向还得花上 20 分钟左右,整个车程将近 4 个小时,连我自己也吓一跳。