每次前往新的餐馆探店,都是我们的第一次品尝,没有任何事先的了解,只是将真金白银换来美食和独特的体验。传闻中,Shin Zushi 是一家名副其实的日本料理经典,不管是哪一家分店,都要经历漫长的等待才能品尝到他们家的美食。人们为何甘愿排队等待?答案显而易见,因为他们的日本料理实在是 “Oishii”! 这次的探店,我很难找到合适的词句来描述,因为每一道料理都让人难以割舍。无论选择哪一道,都是美味的!这次探店的主要焦点是寿司。看着桌上一盘又一盘的寿司拼盘,简直是寿司控们的天堂。邀请上三五好友一起来,点上各式各样的美食,这种兴奋感无法用语言来表达,只能用清空盘子来回报对店家和寿司师傅们的诚意。
Venturing into a new restaurant is always an exciting culinary journey for us, a chance to indulge in unfamiliar flavors and experiences without any prior knowledge. The renowned Shin Zushi, hailed as a true Japanese culinary gem, demands patience as queues stretch out in anticipation of their renowned delicacies. Why endure the wait? Simply put, because their Japanese cuisine is undeniably "Oishii"! Describing this experience proves challenging as every dish is simply irresistible. Regardless of your selection, each bite is a burst of flavor! Our focus today lies primarily on their sushi offerings. The sight of assorted sushi platters adorning the table is a sight to behold, a true haven for sushi enthusiasts. Sharing this experience with friends, sampling an array of dishes, the excitement is beyond words, and only empty plates can truly express our gratitude to the chefs and the establishment.
我的闺蜜在釜山看着樱花,而我在釜山吃着辣炒章鱼。她人在韩国,而我人在吉隆坡。需到釜山才能吃到韩式辣炒章鱼?不需要,只要来到 Hartamas 即可! BUSANZIP 这家韩式料理餐馆,要来之前可要三思。 第一,你需要排队至少半个小时至一个小时。第二,用餐时间限定 90 分钟,要是你喜欢慢享受美食,这里还真的有点不太适合。第三,好吃的韩式料理太多,千万别一个人来。至少叫上三五成群的朋友一起共享不同的美食。千万别邀 6 人以上,这个小馆子还真没那么大的座位能容纳那么多人。
While my best friend is enjoying the cherry blossoms in Busan, I'm savoring stir-fried spicy webfoot octopus in the same city. She's in Korea, and I'm here in Kuala Lumpur. Do you have to go all the way to Busan for Korean stir-fried spicy octopus? Not necessarily, just head over to Hartamas! But before you rush to BUSANZIP, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, be prepared to wait in line for at least half an hour to an hour. Secondly, dining time is limited to 90 minutes, so if you prefer to leisurely enjoy your meal, this place might not be ideal. Thirdly, with so many delicious Korean dishes to try, it's best not to dine alone. Gather a group of friends to share a variety of dishes. However, don't bring more than 6 people, as this cozy restaurant doesn't have enough seating for larger groups.
马来西亚有许多中西式融合的餐厅,但亚洲风味的 Fusion 餐厅在我们的清单中却寥寥无几。M Dining 是我(小编)清单中仅有的一家,它集合了韩式、日式、印尼式、西式等多国风味,打造出现代泰式创意料理。今天,让我们为您介绍一下,M Dining 的 10 大最佳创意料理与饮料,到底有哪些?
In Malaysia, numerous restaurants blend Western and Asian flavors, yet Asian fusion eateries are rare on our list. M Dining stands as the sole establishment on my (the editor) list, harmonizing Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Western, and other global tastes to craft contemporary Thai-inspired creative dishes. Today, allow us to unveil the top 10 most innovative dishes and beverages at M Dining.
距离吉隆坡仅一个小时车程,欢迎来森美兰州,这个令人心驰神往的旅游胜地。提及芙蓉,很多人脑海中浮现的是当地著名的炒螃蟹和烧包。然而,在我们为大家精心挑选的十大推荐中,我们将带领您穿越森美兰市区,一路探索至该州的边界,最终整理出排名不分先后但却值得一游、一品、一逛的十大胜地。 01. 芙蓉皇家朱兰酒店 Royale Chulan Seremban 这座历史悠久的四星豪华酒店坐落于森美兰湖滨公园及旅游景点区域,仅需 30 分钟车程即可抵达波德申海岸和吉隆坡国际机场。拥有 345 间客房,每间均配备浴缸和淋浴间,90 年代的豪华风格为您带来独特的穿越感。酒店设施齐全,包括小型健身房、户外泳池、网球场、免费网络和班车服务等。(更多) 02. 酒店自助餐 Asiatique Buffet
在 Royale Chulan Seremban 的 Asiatique 自助餐厅,您能够品尝到集合亚洲和西方美食的精品自助餐。每逢星期五至星期日,本地人纷纷前来用餐,这里的美食绝对是吸引他们的主要原因。要了解更多有哪些令人垂涎的美食,可以回顾我们之前的笔记和视频。(更多) Just an hour's drive from Kuala Lumpur lies the enchanting tourist haven of Negeri Sembilan. While Seremban is often associated with its renowned local delicacies like stir-fried crab and siew pau (baked buns), our meticulously curated list of top 10 recommendations invites you on a journey through the heart of Seremban, extending all the way to the edges of the state. Here, we present a compilation of 10 must-visit, must-try, and must-explore destinations (listed in no particular order). 01. Royale Chulan Seremban Nestled near the Negeri Sembilan Lake Gardens, this historically rich four-star luxury hotel is just a 30-minute drive from Port Dickson and Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Offering 345 rooms, each equipped with a bathtub and shower, the hotel exudes a unique 90s luxury style, complemented by comprehensive facilities such as a small gym, outdoor pool, tennis court, free Wi-Fi, and shuttle services. (Read More) 02. Asiatique Buffet
Indulge in a buffet that seamlessly combines Asian and Western cuisines at Royale Chulan Seremban's Asiatique Buffet. Frequented by locals, especially on weekends, the restaurant boasts an exquisite array of dishes. For a closer look at the delectable offerings, refer to our previous notes and videos. (Read More) [森美兰芙蓉十大最佳推荐] 在 Royale Chulan Seremban 举办婚宴已成为许多森美兰家庭的首选,这里见证了无数马来和印裔婚礼的美好瞬间。特别是对于华裔新人来说,涵碧苑中餐厅的大排宴席是不可或缺的选择。这家中餐厅非常注重友善穆斯林的理念,因此在这里,我们常常能看到不同族裔的朋友们共聚一堂,品尝粤式点心和各类美味佳肴。
[10 Best Things To Do In Seremban] Selecting Royale Chulan Seremban for wedding banquets has become the preferred choice among many Negeri Sembilan families, capturing countless beautiful moments from Malay and Indian weddings. Specifically tailored for Chinese couples, the grand banquet at Han Pi Yuen Chinese Restaurant stands out as an essential option. With a strong commitment to being Muslim-friendly, this Chinese restaurant creates an inclusive environment where friends of diverse ethnic backgrounds often come together to relish Cantonese dim sum and an array of delectable dishes.
[森美兰芙蓉十大最佳推荐] 寻找不踩雷且价格适中的酒店自助餐可谓是一件不易得的事情。那么,在森美兰州有什么不可错过的美食体验呢?今天,我们将带您前往 Royale Chulan Seremban 品尝自助餐。Asiatique,这是一家集合亚洲和西方美食的自助餐厅,每逢星期五至星期日,座无虚席,这明显显示出住店的客流量相当可观,而前来用餐的本地人也不在少数,主要原因是这里的美食相当出色! Asiatique 自助餐厅分为上午、中午 / 下午茶和晚餐时段。在自助餐中,您通常会看到西式面包、糕点、马来椰浆饭、煎蛋、汤面、粥、水果、沙拉、海鲜、起司、烤肉、炒饭、炒面、咖喱鸡、意大利面以及地道传统菜肴。令我印象深刻的是早餐时段的马来椰浆饭和美味的仁当鸡肉!至于中午 / 下午茶时段,似乎没有什么特别让我铭记的食物。而晚餐则是自助烧烤,这里的烤鸡、烤鱼、烤肉串等都香气四溢,看着就让人感到充满蛋白质的诱惑。个人觉得烤羊肩肉有点嚼劲,一直难以咀嚼断开。不过,烤小羊排却给我带来了惊喜,烤鸡和烤鱼都非常美味多汁。
[10 Best Things To Do In Seremban] Seeking a hotel buffet that not only avoids pitfalls but also comes at a reasonable price is indeed a rare find. So, what culinary delights await you in Negeri Sembilan? Today, let's explore the exquisite buffet at Royale Chulan Seremban. Asiatique buffet caters to morning, lunch / hi-tea, and dinner sessions. The spread encompasses a variety of offerings, including Western-style bread, pastries, nasi lemak, fried eggs, noodle soup, porridge, fruits, salad, seafood, cheese, grilled meats, fried rice, fried noodles, chicken curry, pasta, and authentic traditional dishes. The breakfast standouts for me were the nasi lemak and the delectable rendang chicken! While lunch and afternoon tea didn't boast any particularly memorable dishes, dinner takes center stage with a barbecue buffet featuring aromatic and succulent options like grilled chicken, fish, and satays — a tantalizing array rich in protein. Personally, I found the grilled lamb shoulder a bit chewy and challenging to bite through. However, the grilled lamb chops pleasantly surprised me, and both the grilled chicken and fish were incredibly flavorful and juicy.
新故乡酒楼坐落在吉隆坡 Concorde Hotel,是少有的传统手推车点心楼之一。这里除了历史悠久,古色香俱全的点心和菜肴外,更让我怀念童年时的味道和回忆。走进餐厅,你会看到传统手推车上摆满了各式各样的点心,包括热腾腾的猪肠粉、蒸饺、糯米鸡、萝卜糕等等,每一道点心都让人垂涎欲滴。 在这里,你不仅可以品尝到美味的点心,还能感受到浓浓的怀旧氛围和传统文化的魅力。新故乡酒楼的服务也非常周到,服务员们热情友好,让人感到宾至如归。如果你想要寻找一处体验传统点心文化的地方,新故乡酒楼绝对是不错的选择。
Looking to savor authentic dim sum while being transported back in time? Look no further than Xin Cuisine Chinese Restaurant, nestled within the Concorde Hotel KL. This hidden gem is one of the few remaining traditional dim sum restaurants that still utilize push carts, adding an extra element of nostalgia and charm to your dining experience.
JIN Gastrobar 是一个隐藏在 The Gardens Mall 的高级餐厅,与 Aurum Theatre 同一区域。这里高雅、轻奢华,低调又浪漫,是一个与爱人约会的好去处。起初,小编以为这只是一家酒吧,万万没想到这是一家藏得很深的高级餐厅。除了为 Aurum Theatre 的电影观众提供服务,也向大众开放,提供正宗的欧式美食。从头盘到正餐再到甜点,这里的每道菜都是采用优质食材新鲜烹制。当天,小编和朋友们在这里庆祝生日,品尝了五道不同的美食:
JIN Gastrobar is an upscale eatery tucked away in The Gardens Mall, adjacent to Aurum Theatre. With an air of sophistication and luxury, the restaurant is understated and romantic, making it an ideal spot for a date with your significant other. At first glance, one might mistake it for just another bar, but to my surprise, it turned out to be a hidden gem of a fine dining establishment. Apart from catering to Aurum Theatre-goers, it is also open to the public and serves up authentic European cuisine using fresh, high-quality ingredients in every dish.
During my visit, my friends and I celebrated a birthday here and indulged in five delectable dishes, including: Pan-Fried Seabass (RM45) which was cooked to perfection and accompanied by a delightful serving of mashed potatoes. The Pan-Seared Herb Crusted Salmon (RM48) was also noteworthy, with its impeccable taste and texture. However, the Chicken Satay Pizza (RM38) was average, while the Truffle Carbonara Pasta (RM38) was a tad too rich with cream and black truffle. The Chargrilled Chicken (RM28) was a standout dish with its mouthwatering aroma and savory flavor, complemented by the sautéed mushrooms. 走过了 Berjaya Hills 的法国村及日本村,翻个跟头咱们就来到一个闻名全国的避暑山庄 — 云顶高原!一说来 Genting Highland,在他人的脑海里总是会浮现两个字,你去 “ 交租 ” 还是去 “ 收租 ”?意思是指上山赌博 “ 贴钱 ” 的意思,我是不好意思说 BOOK 的中文拼音啦!这一次除了离开喧哗的城市享受休闲的时光之外,最重要的还是吹冷风!我个人非常喜欢寒冷的气候,所以计划了三天两夜在云端上 “ 自拍 ”、“ 打卡 ”、“ 走猫步 ”!我没说错,就是走猫步!我带了一些好看的衣服,准备在这三天内多拍一些照片,往后才在面子书上慢慢地 Upload。既然都已经抹粉施脂,当然要使出浑身解数,在云端上做一个风情万种的 ...... 美男子!哈哈哈哈 ...... (≧▽≦)
第一眼看到 Coconut House( 椰子屋 )这招牌,还以为来吃泰式料理,没想到竟然是一间意大利风味的餐馆。走进餐馆的那一刻,一股文艺复古的气息围绕着我。就在那一刻起,我对这地方开始有好感。在朋友 Olivia 的游说之下,才跟着她到这里来用餐。况且她说这家餐馆的料理都相当好吃,听到 “ 好吃 ” 这两个字,我这个 “ 平民 ” 美食家可要好好尝一尝鲜了。城中到处都有美式、意式、澳式、甚至是打着 Fusion Western Cuisine 字号的餐厅,我几乎都尝遍了,能让我铭记于心且对其味道念念不忘的,还真的没有几家。尝过了这一家的意大利料理,我像是中了毒着迷了一样!咱们坐下来看了餐单之后,我的朋友 Olivia 就点了一些她个人推荐的美食。而当下的我就四处张望,用肉眼仔细在观察餐馆的每一个角落。
泰国考艾( Khao Yai )一个对我而言较为陌生的地方。近年来不断从网上看到,很多人分享当地旅游景点的图文,无不让那些壮阔美丽的花海吸引。在好友指定要到 Jim Thompson Farm 一游的时候,咱们就决定来个考艾之旅。没错,考艾就座落在泰国的南部,离曼谷有 230KM 的距离,一路向东北的方向。一路上都是两条车道,加上一些路段会出现车速缓慢的状况,至少花上 4 个小时的车程方可抵达考艾的市镇。咱们一路奔波,早上 10.30AM 从曼谷国际机场直通考艾,差不多下午 3PM 才抵达当地的景点区。
因咱们一行人有五位游客,况且还有小孩及老人家,索性就在吉隆坡预订包车的服务( RM1500 )。所以每人花费约 RM300( 包含各景点的入门票 ),方便咱们在考艾及曼谷之间穿梭。有人说宁可花少许钱租车,可以一路畅游到处乱走。这个方法也是不错,但可要确定你有精力长时间驾驶,也要确保手机有 Data 可以用 Waze 找到你要前往目的地。更要小心驾驶避免违反交通规则、发生意外或弄坏人家的车子。毕竟,马路上还是有一定的风险,加上人生地不熟,别让自己在外地赔了夫人又折兵。虽说无需国际驾照也能在泰国境内驾车,但我个人认为有的话,一路上会玩得比较安心。 刚从金马仑高原下来,隔天又要往马来半岛的北部去。这一次为了和朋友庆生,又不晓得要去哪里玩,一个脑筋急转弯就决定来个沿海公路之旅!先是去到十八丁,再过去太平;接着来到实兆远,最后就在邦咯岛落脚。虽说不巧遇到雨神来袭,但也不失体验自驾游的乐趣。又一次的芬多精之旅开启了!一大清早浩浩荡荡从吉隆坡往十八丁的方向出发,大概花了 3 个小时多的车程才抵达太平( Taiping )。从太平往十八丁( Kuala Sepetang )的方向还得花上 20 分钟左右,整个车程将近 4 个小时,连我自己也吓一跳。
我喜欢大自然,也喜欢气候较冷的地方。若在马来西亚要找到冷冷的地方,除了沙巴的神山,还有云顶和金马仑高原。这地方有个特别之处,那就是前半座山是属于彭亨州,后半座山则属霹雳州。这里没什么地方好玩,得空就来看菜、看花、採草莓、喝英式红茶悠闲一下。多年没上过金马仑高原,一次的心血来潮,与我的好友 Zane 一起逃离喧哗的城市,跑到山上来吸冷气吹冷风。
我个人比较喜欢冬天的季节,享受在寒冬中度过。毕竟在马来西亚,一年 365 天都是夏天。即使每天都有下雨,依旧无法降低炎热的气温。若想穿冬装在街头上走猫步,不中暑才怪呢!从吉隆坡驾车到金马仑高原,几乎要花上近四个小时的车程。走上北马大道,再从 Tapah 的收费站出口前往金马伦高原。两个小时在高速公路奔驰,两个小时在绕山路。这里的山路不至十八弯,而是几十个弯。这里的山路最摇摆,每隔几十秒就要左摆摆右摆摆。易晕车的朋友们要记得吞晕车药! 这次跟随好友回怡保,是在睡眠中作了这决定。几个小时过去,就这样踏上旅途,名副其实就是说走就走的精神啊!怡保这地方对我而言不陌生,但却是我人生中第二次自驾游,首次已经献给了乔治市。话说,咱们俩空着肚子来怡保,最后却捧着肚子回吉隆坡。有够夸张!
从槟城回来没多久,我又开启自驾游的模式,来到了这个市镇 ─ 怡保。凌晨时分收到朋友隔天要回怡保的讯息,在迷迷糊糊的睡梦中我就决定了要跟随他回乡。在怡保的第一个早晨,我的友人 NOAH 信誓旦旦地告诉我一定要来尝尝怡保的古早味。在我的印象当中,我只知道来到这个市镇,就一定要吃怡保芽菜鸡、清汤河粉、喝白咖啡而已。难得这次自驾游来到这个地方,我就好好地发掘一下怡保的 “ 古早味 ” 美食。 我是本月的寿星,而我许下的愿望就是,能够延续我的旅游节目拍摄。在深思熟虑之下,决定开启 Travel Vlog 的新篇章。这也是我人生首次自导自拍的旅游影片,因此槟城就成了影片的首秀。有朋友说我像是处男过桥 ,不晓得为何我会如此兴奋?槟城这地方,说熟悉即熟悉,说陌生亦陌生。自从 2013 年 12 月配合马来西亚旅游年 2014,从吉隆坡搭乘 HOP ON HOP OFF KL 双层旅游巴士到槟城举办造势活动之后,近两年就没到过槟城了。
“ 我最亲爱的,你过得怎么样?” 心里浮现出的这一句话,让我有一股想找人约会的冲动。就因如此,约了我的好友 Zane 及 Faye 一起出来喝下午茶。聊了近三个小时,都接近晚餐的时间了,在脑筋急转之下,我们就决定在 Cookie Nation 附近的一家火锅店用餐。据悉,这家火锅店配料的份量都蛮多的,可价钱却意外的便宜。咱们点了两人份的海鲜火锅套餐,另加一份鱼丸、鸡肉片及 Bacon,选择了鸳鸯汤底( 鸡汤 + 东炎 )。
这个地方出了名吃海鲜,而且当地的人告诉我,他们的早午晚膳都和海鲜脱不了关系。如果熟悉沿海一带的朋友们不难猜出我所指的地方不是适耕庄( Sekinchan ),就是以大自然生态及海鲜闻名的瓜拉雪兰莪( Kuala Selangor )。在某年某月某日某个中午,从节目拍摄回到 APPS HOTEL,就发现酒店的老板为我们几个小瓜准备了约有 10 人份的海鲜大餐。天啊,10 人份可不是开玩笑,我们 5 个人怎么可能吃得完呢?况且其中一位队员刚巧轻微中风( 没错年纪轻轻就中风了 )。在老板深情款款的招待之下,我们唯有看到谁在餐桌附近,就把他们给拉进来和我们一起用餐。